Saturday, October 29, 2011

Getting ready for Halloween

While some of you in the East are playing in the snow, some of us are getting ready for Halloween. Are you going to have to wear snowsuit to go out and "trick or treat"? I hope not!!

This is our pumpkin, all carved and ready to put on the front porch.

As you can see, Beccasine supervised the event. Hitty Nancy Earl, Raggety Ann and Miss Lucy also,

WHO has to clean up the guts??? Yikes....I hope it isn't me, said Miss Lucy!

Hickory hugs,

Miss Travel Hickory

Monday, October 24, 2011

Miss Hickory Meets some of The Hometown Hittys

Well after a well rested weekend, several of the Hittys decided to got out in the country for a picnic. It was a such a lovely day to stroll thru the country side. Others were gathered enjoying each other's company. I told my new friends about the different areas of the country that I had visited, and how lucky I was to be a "travel doll"......

A little later I was invited to a butterfly garden!! Wow, they were beautiful!! So many colors!! I was introduced to a new little friend and even got a hug from her. Her name is Lisbet. Her little friend, the Strawberry Fairy was also on hand to meet me.

This traveling life is so much fun!!!
Yours truly,
Miss Travel Hickory

Friday, October 21, 2011

Today I arrived in Wisconsin

One a sunny gorgeous afternoon, I arrived in Wisconsin. Hitty Tot and Sheepie were so excited, they could hardly contain themselves. Once out of the box, filled with many wonderful things,
my hostess decided to take me to a place where many Miss Hickorys may have begun

...An old hickory tree.

All of the nuts had already fallen and the many squirrels had fatten their little cheeks with
the nuts and taken them away to bury them for the winter. Sometimes the squirrels even bury them in the yard where my hostess lives.

Since I am so small, my hostess decided instead of sitting "under the tree"..that I should sit "in the tree"...

We then tried to capture just a sampling of the colorful leaves, but the season was early this year and the last fews days, a blustery wind brought most of them down. In a near by tree, well, look for yourself.....A CROW

....there were six of them nearby but they soon scattered when they saw us coming closer. A squirrel also made a "get away"....

I think I shall take a little snooze before meeting the Hittys...They have a "fish fry" planned for this evening's meal. If you know about Wisconsin, you know Friday night is "fish fry" night!!

I'll check in again soon.....

Miss Travel Hickory

P.S. A special thanks to all of my previous hostesses for all the wonderful memories!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Last Day

Hello Friends,

Well, this is my last day visiting with good friends in Ridgecrest, CA. Tomorrow I will be boarding the postal bus for Wisconsin. My hostess says she believes I will get to see some real Fall weather there versus the summery weather we have been experiencing here. I am looking forward to seeing another part of the grand U.S.A.!

The "family" here gifted me with a crocheted pinny. I told them I will wear it on special occasions and think of them each time I do.

I was also gifted with a burgundy crocheted afghan. My hostess could not get a picture that shows the true color; it is a deeper color than what shows in this photograph. I think this afghan will be nice to cover with when I lie down to rest and/or read a book, or maybe I will use it as a bedspread on my bed. I can also fold it to use as a lap there are many uses I can get from it!

Flora Hickory, Hitty Olivia, the Quack Family, Amelia Thimble and the Tots all gathered to bid me farewell.

After all my belongings were packed, I was wrapped up and ready to travel, too. After it was all done, the Hickory Tot girls (Lily and Daisy) threw themselves on top of my travel box, in tears that I was leaving. I "knew" Jesse Tot was nearby, too, I could sense him. I know Jesse was trying to be a man and not cry, too. I could hear the Tots and reassured them that all would be well, that if I didn't come back to them as my Forever Home, that maybe the Home I do go to will send pictures often so we can all keep in touch that way.

P.S. I know Jesse Tot is looking all serious and not teary-eyed but if you look closely, I just bet you might see his bottom lip trembling a wee bit! :-)

I will be boarding the postal bus tomorrow, heading to the grand state of Wisconsin!
Wisconsin, Here I Come!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Little Sightseeing

My hostess took me out for a drive. She decided to drive up the hill to the college, as one can get a good view of the city from up there. "College??", I asked. "Yes, it is a community college, called Cerro Coso College." says my hostess. I was admiring the sign for the college and then my hostess told me I had to get back in the car, in order to drive up and around the hill to where the college was.

The college buildings were just plain, modern design buildings but I did see other interesting things. I thought these rock formations were interesting.

No worries! I am safe!! It is not easy to see it in the picture, but there is a little "lip" on the rock that my feet are resting against! I felt like a brave mountain climber!

This is a nice spot to sit and rest. One can choose to sit in either sun or shade.

In spite of it being a very warm afternoon, I chose to sit and rest in the sun.

Near the college, there is a park called Louis Miro de Acevedo Sculpture Park. It is a small park that features student and instructor works, and also the works of guest artists. I saw this sculpture as we were leaving the college. What talent!

We stopped on the drive down the hill, to view the city of Ridgecrest. The main attraction of Ridgecrest is NAWS (Naval Air Weapons Station). People are employed here from all over the world and the U.S. Ridgecrest has a large population, too, of retired people, both military and civilian.

It was a pleasant afternoon and I enjoyed being out and about!

Travel Miss Hickory

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Today was a Fun Day!!

Ellyn, the 4 yr. old granddaugter of our hostess came to visit!! Ellyn sat at a table, playing with Hitty Olivia, me and some doll figures.

She decided the doll figures were at a dance and paired them all off with a dancing partner. All the while she was chattering away, about who was going to dance with who. Cinderella didn't have a partner so Ellyn called her "the singing lady". Ellyn put Hitty Olivia and me in the Halloween bucket that she received from McDonald's (and which she decorated with stickers!). She wanted us to have a good view for watching the dancers! Ellyn also stated that the reason our arms were hanging over the edge of the bucket, was in case we wanted to lift any dancers up into the bucket with us.

Ellyn is explaining to her Nana about the part each doll is playing!

Ellyn decided the dance was over and is lining up all the characters and of course, explaining about them the whole time. She was very serious and making sure each doll was where they should be! Hitty Olivia and I were enjoying watching her!

Then Ellyn says, "Ta Da! All done!"

While our hostess was getting a close-up photograph of Hitty Olivia and me, Ellyn asks, "Why are you taking a picture of just them?" It was explained to her that Travel Miss Hickory was a visitor from a long way away and quite special, so our hostess wanted a picture of just her and Hitty Olivia. Of course, Ellyn pointed out the "singing lady" in the front!

Oh, the joy! I was dancing and Ellyn was singing to me!

Ahhhh! And the Very Best Moment of all!!! Ellyn was gently hugging me, with lots of love!!

After all this excitement, we girls were ready for a little quiet time. Ellyn asked her Nana to read to her from the Miss Hickory book! Miss Flora Hickory and I were thrilled! Ellyn felt it was time for me to rest and she wanted Miss Flora Hickory to sit with her while the story was being read. Ellyn was very attentive and it was decided to read one chapter at a time, reading a new one each time she comes to visit. It just warms my apple twig limbs to know that Ellyn is enjoying the book and also enjoying the company of we hickory nut people!

It was very fun and enjoyable afternoon with Ellyn!!

Travel Miss Hickory

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Meeting The Quack Family

Hello again Friends!

While Flora, the Tots and I were exploring, we came upon a little house! The Tots, being typical little children, rushed up to the windows to peek in. I was telling Lily Tot and Jesse Tot that it is bad manners to peek into someone's windows. As you can see, my admonitions fell onto deaf ears! Flora knew the Tots would not heed us and she just stood there very nonchalant while Daisy Tot peered into the window! Or maybe she is trying to "mold" herself to the house, in hopes that she won't be seen, just in case the tenants may be home! And from the sounds coming from the Tots, oh dear, the tenants ARE home! Oh Dear! Caught peeking in the windows!!

I walked around to the side of the house and there was a little door, with a door knocker on it. I thought it would be polite to knock, introduce ourselves and apologize for the Tots peeking into their windows.

Thankfully, it was a very friendly family of ducks who live in the little house! We met Mr. & Mrs. Quack and their little Quacks! They said that they have 6 little Quacks and quite understand the curiosity of children! They also had another visitor who had just arrived there a few days ago. She got lost and found the Quack family and they took her in until they could find her family. We told the Quacks that we would inquire and find out where the little girl, Amelia Thimble, lives.

Jesse Tot seems to be quite taken with little Amelia Thimble! Lily Tot is sticking close to me as she is not quite sure about ducks, especially talking ducks!

Daisy Tot sticks close to Miss Flora Hickory and is fascinated by the Quack family! She has never met talking ducks before!

After a pleasant chat, we said ta-ta to the Quack family and venture back towards home.

Miss Travel Hickory

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Story continues

Hello Friends,

My hostess took Flora and I to visit at the daughter's last Saturday. Nothing went quite as planned and so no pictures got taken. We did get acquainted with the 4 yr. old granddaughter and she didn't seem to express much interest in us although she was very interested and attentive while hearing about our ancestor, who is written about in a book. My hostess brought home a bunch of things called Beanies and some Beanie Buddies. Flora and I were not sure what these were and thought at first my hostess was talking in some kind of foreign language! But at home, the hostess arranged all
of them on a shelf and we got to explore among them. Flora and I found them to be quite soft, very friendly and quite harmless little critters!

This picture shows ALL the Beanies and Buddies, and also a beanie critter that snuck in after the first picture was taken! Can you find Flora and I....and the critter who snuck in?!??

Just in case you didn't spot the critter who snuck into the second picture, here he is with Flora, me, the Tots and Baby Tot (who is traveling with me). This critter really is quite well behaved but Flora is thinking this is because he has a big acorn in his hands and hence that is distracting him from the fact that we have nut heads! Oh, and thank goodness for bonnets/hats that also help to "hide" our nut heads from him!

The Tots wanted me to introduce you to them.....there is Lily Tot (red dress), Daisy Tot (green dress) and Jesse Tot! I must say that I find the little Tots to be quite pleasurable! And they are a great help to me with keeping the Baby Tot occupied.

And soon, a new adventure where we meet the new resident here and I also get to meet the Quack family!

Travel Miss Hickory

Thursday, October 6, 2011

California-Second Stop-Desert

Dear Friends,

I've arrived in another place in my travels...still in California but this time in the desert! I was expected to arrive here on Monday and I did; but the mail vehicle had already been loaded and was out for delivery before I arrived at the post office. So I had to wait until mail delivery on Tuesday. I was very comfortable in my traveling box but admittedly was anxious to get out and meet my new hostess & family. My hostess says she already mentioned to you the difficulty she ran into with the mail lady and getting my travel box! Whew, I am so glad she was persistent or otherwise I would have had to wait another day! But all is well that ends well!!!

I was greeted with cries of joy from Flora Hickory and the Hickory Tots! Flora had prepared a lovely acorn pie for my arrival and we munched on that and had a nice cool drink. The Tots were full of questions and curiosity about where I came from, where I have been!
Flora told me it was perfect timing for my arrival as just the day before, the temperature outside was 100 degrees and on the day I arrived, the temp was in the 80's with a nice wind.
The household was enjoying not having to run the air conditioner and having doors and windows open for some fresh air! Flora and I feel like kindred souls and have hit it off tremendously!
We chattered away into the wee hours of the morning; we had so many things to share/talk about! Flora wanted to hear all about my adventures so far and all the places I've seen/visited. We did sleep in a bit this morning, too! My hostess says that is what vacations are for, to do things like sleeping/arising/eating, etc., at your leisure!
My hostess went out this morning to check the temperature on the back patio and lo & behold, there was a lovely rainbow! So she brought me out to share it with me! It truly is beautiful!

Although the sun is shining brightly, it is a bit cool this morning and I am thankful for my cozy shrug that Mz. Linda provided me with! We are also having VERY strong and cold winds today (Flora says she hears the lady of the house call them hurricane winds, they are so strong). I was so glad I didn't blow away while posing for my picture with the rainbow! Of course, my hostess helped me out by holding onto my legs, to keep me secure!! I am thankful for that!
There was a bit of a chill in the house, so Flora and I relaxed with some nice hot, green tea. It hit the spot on this cool morning! It never did warm up a lot; the outside temps stayed in the 50's-60's and there was some rain, too. I was glad to be in a nice warm house with some hot tea and good company! It was quite dark and dreary from the afternoon on so no pictures got taken. But rest assured, Flora and I have been having a lovely time together! And there was a new arrival here today! And this is a permanent resident, not a visitor like me. Flora and I were quite excited to watch her unveiling.....and such a tiny thing she is!!
More later!!!
Travel Miss Hickory