Friday, October 15, 2010

Hitty Molly's Grandest Adventure while in Azure Hollow

October 15, 2010

Dear Diary,

The past few days have been a whirlwind of activity. I feel I must forego much of the “regular” activities to write of my grandest adventure while in Azure Hollow.

For my final yet spectacular episode here, it was a planned that I would meet a VIP. Deedee and the other Hittys made arrangements prior to my arrival to meet the town mayor. I was aghast at this news and felt humbled to be able to meet the man the town thinks so highly of.

Since the town is small, the mayor’s office is adjacent to other city offices. Prior to our visit, he had asked Deedee on the phone about Hitty’s origin and first book. He showed the utmost interest in spelling my name right!

All morning the estate staff members went about their work in a subdued, almost nervous manner. They even treated me a bit like royalty! I was continually reassured, however, that the mayor is a gracious man who puts people at ease immediately.

We arrived at City Hall at our scheduled time. Needless to say, I was very nervous awaiting his arrival. Mr. Mayor was delightful and welcomed me to town. We enjoyed our short visit and photo shoot.

He presented Deedee with a proclamation, calling October 13, 2010, “Hitty Molly Marie Mahogany Day” and asked all citizens to remember the day to celebrate Hitty. Deedee especially was very pleased. I was “ over the moon.”

I will always remember my time at Azure Estates, in Azure Hollow, and this lovely, quiet town. I am done in for the day. Tomorrow I leave for Tina and the RockBottom Hittys. I know my dreams tonight will be sweet….

Signing off…

Molly Marie Mahogany

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