Monday, June 10, 2013

Traveling Alice Beautifies Tulsa

Good mornin' y'all! Hitty Isabelle says that is the appropriate greeting now that I'm in Oklahoma. It was nice to relax and get to know the Vicarage Hitties after my long journey on the Postal Bus. When Hitty Isabelle told me she was heading outside to do some gardening this morning I all but begged her to let me help. Miss Isabelle is a sweet hostess and wasn't too sure about letting a guest help with the work but I finally convinced that my little wooden hands were itching to get back to the dirt. We put on our matching overalls and headed out to the yard. I was delighted to see these pretty blue flowers bordering the patio. Isabelle says they are "volunteers" and she calls them Blue Sideafencia. (That Isabelle has some wit, I'll tell you.) After looking at these pictures we realized the flowers are the same color as my eyes! Next we headed to the berry patch. These look like tiny wild strawberries but Isabelle cautioned me against eating them. She says the birds or rabbits never eat them, a sure sign they don't taste good. ALICE GETS TO WORK........................................... After we toured the yard, Isabelle showed me the plants that needed to be separated and repotted. We got out all our gardening tools and set right to work. These plants come all the way from AZ where Hitty Isabelle used to live. Kathleen plans to give some of the young plants to friends. She wishes you were all closer. She would give you each one! As we were finishing up Hitty Emelda Marilyn came out to see how things were going. She was wearing her lovely new dress, a hostess gift from Sharon. She says it fits her better than any dress she's ever had. Once we were finished it was nice to relax a nice cold drink and enjoy the garden and the good company. Hitty Isabelle was so grateful for the help that she is giving me a green garden box with my very own set of tools. If you look in this last picture you will see some of the sweet hostess gifts Tina made for me to share.

1 comment:

  1. Hitty Isabelle is such a sweet hostess to Alice. What a terrific time they had together. I hope Alice didn't eat any of those ornamental berries. They looked good but....
