--Lil Tot and I watch as the dogs get acquainted. Shelby is playing around with the first part of the agility test equipment. She doesn't take her work seriously !
--Azure Hollow Ladies watch as the dogs in the park get to smell each other. Not exactly what I would want to do, but it was fun to see their delightful antics. Shelby was most hyper of all.
The rest of the Hollow Ladies look on at the incredible canine crowd. Dr. Isabella was the day's photogprapher, so she isn't in any photos.
We sure enjoyed all of the puppy behavior!--Shelby goes nose to nose with a Shelty. She sure needs to sniff out each dog. As playful as she is, we are not sure that her doggy-manners are "up to snuff."
How proud we were of Shelby when she made it through the tunnel! She looked right proud of herself, too. We sure needed to encourage her to come out!
Shelby investigates the hurdle. She isn't sure about it, but with treats she made it over.
Another hurdle to jump? She seems to be getting the hang of this. She even seems excited to go through the course.
That is all for the day; we had to round up the items as the weather began to threaten. We can come back and finish the trials another day this week.
This has been my first agility trials and we did have fun! Amazing that Lil Tot could fall asleep during it, though, with all the barking and tail-waggin'.
Bye for now,
Miss Hickory
Lil Tot
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