We carried our little refugees back to the house. There we all soothed and petted them. Cousin Ida produced little blankets to wrap them in and soon they were nodding off. The girls and I had a lovely dinner and spent the evening just getting better acquainted. I must admit I had expected this part of my journey to be rather quiet and dare I say...dull, but so far I have not had one moment to catch my breath much less become bored!!
True to their word Cousin Ida and Hitty Joy Too charge of the tots. This morning they were presented to us all bathed and dressed in sweet little frocks. The tots range in age from a wee infant to an older girl. I have been asked if I would like one of the tots to accompany me on my further journeys. Oh my I am quite pleased that I have this opportunity to select a traveling companion.
Cousin Ida relieved my mind when she said that the tots would all find good homes and that I should not worry about that. Instead I am to choose the one that I felt would most suit. After some consideration and much chatting with the dears I believe the older girl will be a most suitable companion. I can continue her education and be both a mentor and guardian to her. She is quite thrilled to learn that she will be traveling the country with me. I believe that I have done exactly the right thing. Cousin Ida informed me that she agreed totallly with my choice. She felt the child would benefit from travel and being in my company. I am quite flattered by her good opinion of me. Oh it is time to take a bit of lunch and then the girls have told me I will be meeting their dogs?!! Dogs???
......meeting the dogs....
We had a very pleasant luncheon. It is so warm and lovely today. The girls have told me that I am now going to meet their dogs.
Much to my surprise I have learned that they have a German Shepherd Rescue!! I have never heard of Hittys being involved in that sort of thing. These are large dogs and I confess to being a bit nervous about this introduction.
We repaired to the patio and the girls brought out there charges. Oh my there was nothing to be concerned about! There are puppies...oh sweet puppies. The mother dog seemed friendly but did keep a close eye on her babies and whomever (me) was holding them! The other adult dogs were simply charming. So gentle and affectionate. We all gathered round and they went from one to the other of us for pats and play. I was quite taken with them, but especially with that youngest puppy! I hope that their will be dogs at my forever home. Perhaps I can persuade my future person to acquire a nice puppy for me!
We spent a peaceful afternoon just chatting and playing with the dogs. They love to chase balls. Tomorrow I am off on a trip to a wood carving class. I am very interested to see this as I myself was carved from wood. I will be writing more tomorrow. Until then I bid you all a good evening.
Must admit I was a little fearful at the mention of dogs, but it looks like this entire pack was quite friendly and loving. Everyone looks absolutely lovely in their pretty dresses and aprons.