Sunday, July 21, 2013
Dear Diary;
It seems impossible that I arrived in Azure Hollow (Nappanee, IN) two weeks ago. My hostess has had a few surprises, including an out-of-state family guest. The day after the guest arrived, the Hostess took a bad fall on an uneven sidewalk and required six stitches in her head. Her eyebrow is still swollen and her eyes are toting two amazing shiners!
It was decided that my visit at that time should remain a convalescence to my Hetty scare. I have been helping around the Hollow and the wait has been worth it….
The weather has been lovely. Very warm during the days but the morning have been fair. I was informed that there was need of a summer day-camp kindergarten teacher. I volunteered and the fun began!
Here I am, enjoying the summer yard:
There is lots of work to do before the camp begins. The four kinder girls will be assigned to our tents. The parents will bring the girls to the Estates, then we will walk to the tents and spend the day with the girls. Parents are welcome to stay. After the day’s events, the girls will be sent home. They will return daily for the week. During camp hours we are to go on field trips as well as do various activities. Several handymen from Azure Estates will assist us where needed. The teachers will stay in the tents during the night. The girls will nap in them during the day.

Hitties Linda, Bernard, Regina Marie, and Tina gets things going.

Hitty Linda works on the details.

Shelby, self-appointed guard dog, sizes things up.

Bernard brings the ever-important trashcan.

John sets up the grill, careful of nearby foliage.

John, Pete, and Granny work hard to make it an inviting site.

I was thrilled to find two other Polish ladies working at A.E.!
This fine woman is the camp Matron, Miss Peg.

Ureka, another distant cousin.
Camp begins tomorrow. The kinders arrive and the activities commence. Stay tuned for Azure Hollow Day Camp adventures!
(Thanks, Linda!)